Evaluation of the Green Dot bystander intervention to reduce interpersonal violence among college students across three campuses

Coker A, Fisher B, Bush H. et al

Intimate Partner Violence.
Sexual Violence.
Randomised controlled trial (RCT).

Journal Information

Violence Against Women
Online first (14 Aug 2014)
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Evidence suggests that interventions to engage bystanders in violence prevention increase bystander intentions and efficacy to intervene, yet the impact of such programs on violence remains unknown. This study compared rates of violence by type among undergraduate students attending a college campus with the Green Dot bystander intervention (n = 2,768) with students at two colleges without bystander programs (n = 4,258). Violent victimization rates were significantly (p < .01) lower among students attending the campus with Green Dot relative to the two comparison campuses. Violence perpetration rates were lower among males attending the intervention campus. Implications of these results for research and practice are discussed.
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