Interactive Digital Intervention to Prevent Violence Among Young Adults

The primary aim of this Phase I SBIR is to create and test an alpha version of Make a Change for mobile devices, and to document the technical merit, commercial viability, and proof of concept of the product. Successful completion of this proposal will result in the creation of two assets: 1) an "Intervention Manual" that (similar to a logic model) will align key game mechanics with theory and behavior change goals and, 2) the digital application for mobile devices. Focus groups and interviews with students, as well as interviews with campus stakeholders, will be used to inform development of the digital application and ensure its commercial viability. A non-randomized open trial with a 1-month follow up will assess preliminary effects on attitudes and behaviors, and will establish procedures for assessing change in proximal (attitude) and distal (behavioral) outcomes in preparation for large-scale evaluation in a Phase 2 SBIR proposal. This line of research and development has the potential to develop a commercially viable product with high public health impact that can be disseminated to 1700+ community colleges and 3,000+ 4-year colleges, and readily adapted to high schools, clinics and military settings.
Intimate Partner Violence
Sexual Violence
United States of America
Rural & Urban
Young adults aged 18 to 24 years
Male & Female
10 - 19
20 - 29

Lead Investigator Information

Sharon Wood
Happy People Games
United States of America
Fidelity/quality of implementation
Experimental: 40
Control: 1
 Data PointsStatisticalMatching
Non-randomised controlled trial 
Sexual aggression Sexual victimization Bystander intervention
Happy People Games, LLC Clemson University
Happy People Games, LLC Clemson University
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